单位 | 作者 | 职称 | 论文 | 期刊 | 备注(SCI/SSCI分区) |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Research on Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on Combination of Color and Shape Features | Journal of Signal Processing Systems,2020,1-8 | ESI热点论文/ESI高被引论文 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | An Equivalent Exchange Based Data Forwarding Incentive Scheme for Socially Aware Networks | Journal of Signal Processing Systems,2020,1-15 | ESI热点论文/ESI高被引论文 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | A Diversity-based Selfish Node Detection Algorithm for Socially Aware Networking | JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY,2021,93(7):811-825 | ESI热点论文/ESI高被引论文 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | An Analytical Model of Page Dissemination for Efficient Big Data Transmission of C-ITS | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2022,23(9):16524-16533 | 工程技术大类一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Learning graph-constrained cascade regressors for single image super-resolution | APPLIED INTELLIGENCE,2022,52(10):10867-10884 | 计算机科学大类二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Joint channel-spatial attention network for super-resolution image quality assessment | APPLIED INTELLIGENCE,2022年3月在线出版,4月SCI检索 | 计算机科学大类二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | A privacy-preserving aggregation scheme based on negative survey for vehicle fuel consumption data | INFORMATION SCIENCES,2021,570:526-544 | 计算机科学大类一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Research on AI security enhanced encryption algorithm of autonomous IoT systems | INFORMATION SCIENCES,2021,575:379-398 | 计算机科学大类一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 尹孟嘉 | 副教授 | :Time series change detection using reservoir computing networks for remote sensing data | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2022 | 工程技术1区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 徐方 | 教授 | Beyond encryption: Exploring the potential of physical layer security in UAV networks | Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences | SCI二区期刊 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed |
| A Survey on STAR-RIS: Use Cases, Recent Advances, and Future Research Challenges | IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023,10(16):14689-14711 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed |
| Vehicular Communication Network Enabled CAV Data Offloading: A Review | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023,24(8):7869-7897 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed |
| DRL-assisted delay optimized task offloading in automotive-industry 5.0 based VECNs | Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed |
| MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterogeneous VECNs | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Umer Sadiq Khan |
| An effective fault diagnosis approach for bearing using stacked de-noising auto-encoder with structure adaptive adjustment | Measurement,2023,214:1-11 | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Umer Sadiq Khan |
| A novel driver emotion recognition system based on deep ensemble classification. Complex & Intelligent Systems | Complex & Intelligent System,2023,9:927–6952 | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Multilevel Intrusion Detection Based on Transformer and Wavelet Transform for IoT Data Security | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL,2024,Vol 11, No 15,pp25613-25624 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 熊曾刚 | 教授 | Research orientation and novelty discriminant for new metaheuristic algorithms | APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,2024,Vol 157,111521 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 史双元 | 讲师 | Solving the multi-objective job shop scheduling problems with overtime consideration by an enhanced NSGA-II | 《Computers & Industrial Engineering》 2024, 190: 110001 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 李哲 | 副教授 | DiffRank: Enhancing efficiency in discontinuous frame rate analysis for urban surveillance systems | Alexandria Engineering Journal,103 (2024) 148–157 | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 徐方 | 教授 | Improving routing performance in social internet of things with FNRA: The free node-based approach | Alexandria Engineering Journal. 2024, 88: 68-79. | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 徐方 | 教授 | The State of AI-Empowered Backscatter Communications: A Comprehensive Survey | IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023,7: 1-25. | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 徐方 | 教授 | A survey on STAR-RIS: Use cases, recent advances, and future research challenges | IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(16): 14689-14711. | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 徐方 | 教授 | Vehicular Communication Network Enabled CAV Data Offloading: A Review | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(8): 7869-7897. | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 邓敏 | 讲师 | Lightweight Trust Management Scheme Based on Blockchain in Resource-Constrained Intelligent IoT Systems | IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2024,11(15): 25706 - 25719. | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 丁才昌 | 副教授 | The Intelligent Traffic Flow Control System Based on 6G and Optimized Genetic Algorithm | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 丁才昌 | 副教授 | Intelligent Identification of Moving Trajectory of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Friction Nano-Generator | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 3090-3097, March 1, 2024 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed | 讲师 | NOMA-Based Backscatter Communications: Fundamentals, Applications, and Advancements | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2024,11(11):19303-19327 | SSCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed | 讲师 | A Survey on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Assisted Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks: State of the Art and Future Challenges | Computer Science Review 2024,54:100668 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed | 讲师 | Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Multi-hop Task Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing | Engineering Science and Technology-an International Journal, 2024, vol. 59, p. 101854 | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed | 讲师 | Advanced Security Measures in Coupled Phase-Shift STAR-RIS Networks: A DRL Approach | Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 2024,36(9):102215 | SCI二区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | Manzoor Ahmed | 讲师 | Securing NOMA 6G Communications Leveraging Intelligent Omni-Surfaces Under Residual Hardware Impairments | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2024,11(14):25326-25336 | SCI一区 |
计算机与信息科学学院 | 苏丽娜 | 讲师 | Auction-based client selection for online Federated Learning | Information Fusion, 2024, Vol. 112, 102549 | SCI一区 |